By Michael Edlen, Real Estate Consultant
Our web site was launched to provide far more information and links regarding the Pacific Palisades community and real estate. Responding to feedback from on-line users and informal survey results, the new site,, contains several sections of up-to-date contact information and local resources. Future additions will include a comprehensive list of names and phone numbers to call about a wide variety of service needs for information.
If you have not yet gone online to find homes for sale yourself, take a look through this site and see why and how so many of the buyers do so much of their own home searches on the Internet! Just a few years ago, less than 20% of home sales involved any Internet use. Now, in some areas of California, over 60% of the buyers search the Internet for homes, loans, real estate agents, community quality, school and safety information, and for general awareness about the purchase process. They can also use “mortgage calculators” and compare different financing alternatives to purchase the home. With tools such as multiple color photo images and 360-degree “virtual tours” prospective buyers anywhere in the world can view a home and its property. Also, many prospective sellers check the Internet to see what is currently available for sale.
· Users of our site can now quickly get Palisades-area weather forecasts, maps and driving directions, school information, restaurant descriptions and hours of operation, recreational facilities and more. People interested in local real estate activities will be able to check frequently updated statistics and news. They will also be able to see what homes, condominiums and leases are on the market and what prices are being asked.
· A wealth of well-organized and easy to access practical information is available for prospective sellers or buyers, including answers to over 30 frequently asked questions. Articles and tips cover such topics as: How to get a free estimate of your home’s value, how to decide on a price and get a home ready for marketing, how to select an agent to sell and/or buy a home, etc. One section includes sample copies of several of the legal forms typically used for the sale and purchase of homes in California. A review of these can help familiarize the reader with the various concepts and issues that these revised forms cover, so a seller or buyer is better prepared before the actual process begins.
· Another section provides more than a dozen articles on the purchase and inspection process, including how to select a good buyer’s agent. Explanations of the escrow, title and other aspects of the transaction are also available.
· There are “quick links” to find homes or condos for sale or for lease in the Palisades, other Westside areas, and even in nearly every city in the entire country.
· The site also provides an easy way to be referred to highly-experienced real estate agents in almost every area of the country to help buy or sell a home or other property. The procedure includes my personal interviewing of numerous alternative agents to help our clients and their friends identify and select from amongst the best available professionals.
All of this information is available online 24-hours a day, and no one in my office ever contacts a user who does not specifically ask to be contacted for some particular purpose.
All of these services and information are also free of charge or obligation!
Visit us online at for almost all current listings available everywhere in the country, for numerous marketing and acquisition tips, for our exclusive services, and much more. Or, visit us in our office at 15101 Sunset Blvd (across from Ralph’s Market) if we may be of personal service to you. One of us is usually there Monday through Friday 8.30 am to 6.30 pm, and I am often in later and on the weekend. We can help if you would like to send or receive a fax, make a few photocopies, have internet access, or just to get some information. We provide recommendations for various service providers such as plumbers, painters, carpet people, electricians, pest control companies, etc. We also have copies available of our local restaurant guide, Palisades street map and magnet calendar.
Michael Edlen provides real estate counseling services to prospective buyers and sellers and helps over 50 families each year to move. Most of his business is derived from a referral base of over 700 past clients. More tips and information are available on his website, He can be reached at 310.230.7373 or
The #1 Palisades Realtor
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